Join the fastest growing sport for people of all ages — and promote to DCD fans! Review our packages below and let us know how we can help YOU. Email us today at or go directly to our Square site to purchase a package and support local roller derby.
Sponsorship Packages
Jam Line Sponsor
$2,000 per season
Jam Line Branding
Announcer refers to your business/organization as the “Sponsor Name Jam Line” at the start of every jam.
4’x2′ vinyl banner with your logo will be provided and displayed prominently near the jam line.
Logo, provided artwork, website link, and/or social media tags displayed on scoreboard.
Full page booklet ad in home bout booklet (PDF on website or printed)
Social media sponsor representation as well as logo, website link, or social media tag on our website
10 season passes and 10 Druid City Derby or Daredevils t-shirts
10 tickets to Sponsor Night Event at Druid City Brewing Company
2′ x 1.5′ glossy team poster signed by skaters of Druid City Derby
Penalty Box Sponsor
$1,600 per season
Penalty Box Branding
Announcer refers to your business/organization as the “Sponsor Name Penalty Box” every time a player receives a penalty.
4′ x 2′ vinyl banner with your logo will be provided and displayed prominently near the penalty box
Logo, provided artwork, website link, and/or social media tags displayed on the scoreboard
Full page booklet ad in home bout booklet (PDF on website or printed)
Social media sponsor representation as well as your logo, website link, or social media tag on our webpage
8 Season Passes & 8 Druid City Derby or Daredevils T-Shirts
8 tickets to Sponsor Night Event at Druid City Brewing Company
2’ x 1.5’ glossy Team Poster signed by skaters of Druid City Derby
Pivot Sponsor
$1,000 per season
Pivot “Star Pass” Branding
Announcer refers to your business/organization every time the jammer passes the helmet cover to the pivot.
4′ x 2′ vinyl banner with your logo will be provided and displayed prominently during the bout
Logo, provided artwork, website link, and/or social media tags displayed on the scoreboard
Full page booklet ad in home bout booklet (PDF on website or printed)
Social media sponsor representation as well as your logo, website link, or social media tag on our webpage
5 Season Passes & 5 Druid City Derby or Daredevils T-Shirts
5 tickets to Sponsor Night Event at Druid City Brewing Company
2’ x 1.5’ glossy Team Poster signed by skaters of Druid City Derby
Blocker Sponsor
$800 per season
4′ x 2′ vinyl banner with your logo will be provided and displayed prominently during the bout.
Logo, provided artwork, website link, and/or social media tags displayed on the scoreboard
Full page booklet ad in home bout booklet (PDF on website or printed)
Social media sponsor representation as well as your logo, website link, or social media tag on our webpage
4 Season Passes & 8 Druid City Derby or Daredevils T-Shirts
4 tickets to Sponsor Night Event at Druid City Brewing Company
2’ x 1.5’ glossy Team Poster signed by skaters of Druid City Derby
Fan Club Sponsor
$500 per season
Logo, provided artwork, website link, and/or social media tags displayed on the scoreboard
Half page booklet ad in every home bout booklet (PDF on website or printed)
Social media sponsor representation as well as your logo, website link, or social media tag on our webpage
3 Season Passes & 3 Druid City Derby or Daredevils T-Shirts
3 tickets to Sponsor Night Event at Druid City Brewing Company
2’ x 1.5’ glossy Team Poster signed by skaters of Druid City Derby
Fresh Meat Sponsor
$250 per season
Quarter page booklet ad in every home bout booklet (PDF on website or printed)
Social media sponsor representation as well as your logo, website link, or social media tag on our webpage
1 Season Pass & 1 Druid City Derby or Daredevils T-Shirts
1 ticket to Sponsor Night Event at Druid City Brewing Company
After Party Sponsor
$1500 per bout
4′ x 2′ vinyl banner with your logo will be provided and displayed prominently during the bout
Logo, provided artwork, website link, and/or social media tags displayed on the scoreboard
Full page booklet ad in every home bout booklet (PDF on website or printed)
7 Season Passes & 7 Druid City Derby or Daredevils T-Shirts
You provide food for teams at the after-party, approximately 60-75 attendees
Sponsor sign will be set up with the food at the after-party venue
Chuck-a-Duck Sponsor
In-Kind Donation
Our Chuck-a-Duck contest is played at half-time before our Zumba expo. This is a fun game where the fans purchase armfuls of rubber ducks and line up on the track to “chuck their duck” and whoever gets closest to the center of the target wins a prize basket that is donated by the sponsor. This is a no cost sponsorship. In exchange for donating a gift basket for one or more bouts we will mention your business throughout the bout.